Dit product vereist het basisspel Sid Meier’s Civilization VI GLOBAL on Steam in order to play. You can not run this product without this game.
This new content pack introduces Lady Six Sky as the leader of the Maya and Simón Bolívar as the leader of Gran Colombia. The Maya can build prosperous city centers early in the game, supported by surrounding Farms and Plantations and protected by their unique Hul’che. Gran Colombia focuses on fast armies boosted by Simón Bolívar’s powerful Comandante Generals.
Includes the Maya civilization with Lady Six Sky, the Hul’che unique unit, and the Observatory unique district.
Also includes the Gran Colombia civilization with Simón Bolívar, the Llanero and Comandante General unique units, and the Hacienda unique improvement.
New “Apocalypse” Game Mode (Requires the Civilization VI Expansion Bundle to play)
New Resources:
New Natural Wonders:
New City-States: