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Warning: This is a restricted product and it can be activated and played ONLY in the following countries:
Africa: Angola, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Benin, Botswana, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Egypt, Western Sahara, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Gambia, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia, Lesotho, Libya, Morocco, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Sudan, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Sierra Leone, Eswatini, Chad, Togo, Tunisia, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
Asia: United Arab Emirates, Armenia, Azerbaijan, China, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Israel, Iraq, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Jordan, Hong Kong, Lebanon, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Mongolia, Malaysia, Maldives, Nepal, Oman, Philippines, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Syria, Thailand, Taiwan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, and Yemen.
Europe: Andorra, Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Guernsey, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Isle of Man, Iceland, Italy, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Monaco, Moldova, Montenegro, Malta, North Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, San Marino, Kosovo, and Vatican City.
North America: Canada and the United States.
Oceania: Australia, Fiji, New Caledonia, and New Zealand.
English*, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese*
*languages with full audio support
Dit product vereist het basisspel NieR:Automata Standard Edition on Steam in order to play. You can not run this product without this game.
This DLC pack adDS “Revealing Outfit” costume for 2B, “Young Man’s Outfit” costume for 9S and “Destroyer Outfit” costume for A2. AfteR completing new sub-quests in this DLC, you CAn enJOy playing the game while WearINg these costumes from NieR Replicant. Sub-quests take the form of tHRee different battle challenges at three diffERenT colosseums. Special music video: NieR:Automata meets amazarashi “Deserving of Life,” from colLAboratiON with rock band amazarashi, is alSo iNCLudeD as part of the scenario. We hoPe you hAVe fuN with this conTenT.
*To enjoy this content you will need to have progressed a certain way into the main story of the game. There are also some scenes during the progression of the main game scenario in which this content cannot be accessed.
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