Dit product vereist het basisspel Alien: Isolation on Steam in order to play. You can not run this product without this game.
The original Alien film showed what horror can really mean, and ever since, the sci-fi classic has influenced many things over the years. But now, a video game dares to try and recapture the magic of the original film. This is Alien: Isolation. Set fifteen years after the events of Alien, Ellen Ripley’s daughter, Amanda is on a mission to find out what really happened to her mother. But the truth is far scarier than she realizes, and she'll come face to face with her mothers' nemesis, the Alien.
To stay alive, you must use your wits and not give into fear. For if you do, the Alien will get you. Look for resources, use whatever you can to survive, and then take out the Alien, if you can. For you see, the true fear of Alien: Isolation is that the Alien uses its senses to hunt you down and respond to your every move. You'll have to be quick on your feat to not only outwit it, but others that come across your path.
For all of this takes place on Sevastopol, a decommissioned trading station on the fringes of space. Encounter a rich cast of inhabitants in a world scarred by fear and mistrust. Use them to help you survive, or leave them be and see if you can survive on your own.
Then, when you're ready for the next challenge, get the Corporate Lockdown DLC. This is the first expansion pack for Alien: Isolation. This pack features three all-new maps:for Survivor Mode, a time-based challenge to test your skills.
Can you evade the Alien for long enough to survive or will you try to take the Alien head-on?