Call of Juarez Gunslinger Steam Edition

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  • Call of Juarez Gunslinger Steam Edition
  • Call of Juarez Gunslinger Steam Edition
  • Call of Juarez Gunslinger Steam Edition
  • Call of Juarez Gunslinger Steam Edition
  • Call of Juarez Gunslinger Steam Edition
  • Call of Juarez Gunslinger Steam Edition
  • Call of Juarez Gunslinger Steam Edition
  • Call of Juarez Gunslinger Steam Edition
  • Call of Juarez Gunslinger Steam Edition
  • Call of Juarez Gunslinger Steam Edition
  • Call of Juarez Gunslinger Steam Edition

Dalla polvere di una miniera d'oro allo sporco di un saloon, Call of Juarez® Gunslinger è un vero omaggio ai racconti del Selvaggio West. Vivi l'epico e violento viaggio di uno spietato cacciatore di taglie sulle tracce dei fuorilegge più famosi del West. Sfocando le linee tra umanità e mito, quest'avventura fatta di incontri memorabili svela la verità mai raccontata dietro alcune delle più grandi leggende del Vecchio West.

Caratteristiche Principali:

  • Incontra i leggendari fuorilegge

Billy the Kid, Pat Garrett, Jesse James... Affronta i pistoleri più famosi dell'Occidente e vivi le storie mai raccontate dietro le leggende.

  • Sperimenta una terra senza legge

Lasciati incantare mentre attraversi le terre selvagge del Vecchio West e vivi un'avventura epica attraverso meravigliosi paesaggi Western.

  • Dispensa la tua giustizia personale

Con una fondina da pistola legata alla gamba, diventa un cacciatore di taglie spietato in un viaggio fatto di battaglie e colpi a tutto campo.

  • Domina micidiali sparatorie

Padroneggia l'arte dello sparo con le pistole, dei colpi di fucile e dello schivare i proiettili. Scatena combo letali per abbattere più nemici in pochi secondi.

  • Diventa il migliore del West

Scegli le abilità specifiche di combattimento con pistola che desideri sviluppare e acquisisci nuove abilità di tiro per diventare il pistolero più abile del West.




  • OS:Windows® XP (SP3) / Windows Vista® (SP2) / Windows® 7 (SP1) / Windows® 8
  • Processor:2 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo or 2 GHz AMD Athlon™ 64 X2
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:512 MB DirectX® 9.0c–compliant
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:5 GB HD space
  • Sound:DirectX 9.0c–compliant
  • Additional:Peripherals Supported: Windows-compatible keyboard, mouse, optional controller (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows recommended)



  • OS:Windows® 7 (SP1)
  • Processor:3 GHz Intel® Core™2 Duo or 3 GHz AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 or better
  • Memory:4 GB RAM
  • Graphics:1024 MB DirectX 10–compliant or higher
  • DirectX®:10
  • Hard Drive:5 GB HD space
  • Sound:5.1 surround sound
  • Additional:Peripherals Supported: Windows-compatible keyboard, mouse, optional controller (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows recommended)
Klaes Jensen
Klaes Jensen
A true western Having only heard bad things of the previous call of juares titles, i steered clear of this title for a while... that was a mistake. When i finally picked up the game i was surprised as to how entertaining this game was, i felt like playing through the perfect spaghetti western, it has it all classic hilbilly cowboys, injuns, standoffs, dynamite and much more, and i loved every second of it. There is also a challenge game mode that takes place throughout the different levels of the game, the gamemode is challenging but very completable. Other than the challenge mode, and hidden objects in the game i didn’t find the greatest replay value in the game, also the game itself is very short compared to the amazing gameplay. The story of the game is a quite standard western, story with an obvious, but very likeable surprise in the end, the storytelling however is absolutely amazing, told mainly by the loveable main character and interrupted here and there by some surrounding folk. so all in all the game is surprisingly good, but too short for it’s own good.
Hai guadagnato 5 Gemme per questa recensione
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