X-COM: Complete Pack

2 Értékelések
Hozzáadás a kívánságlistához
  • X-COM: Apocalypse
  • X-COM: Enforcer
  • X-COM: Interceptor
  • X-COM: Terror From the Deep
  • X-COM: UFO Defense
Ezeket a termékeket mind megkapod, amikor megvásárolod a mostani terméket.
X-COM: Apocalypse
There's something evil in the city tonight... Earth has been ravaged by human excess, petty conflict and alien invasion. The world's populat…
szept. 4, 2008
X-COM: Enforcer
X-COM: Earth's top-secret eXtraterrestrial COMbat unit The Place: America - early 21st century The Mission: Eradicate the extraterrestrials…
szept. 4, 2008
X-COM: Interceptor
They're back...only this time the heinous aliens are out to destroy Earth and rule the new frontier. As X-COM commander, it's…
szept. 4, 2008
X-COM: Terror From the Deep
The war continues... X-COM: UFO Defense brought you to a galactic battlefield. X-COM: Terror from the Deep brings the alien terror into a totally new…
máj. 4, 2007
X-COM: UFO Defense
You are in control of X-COM: an organization formed by the world's governments to fight the ever-increasing alien menace. Features: Comman…
szept. 4, 2008
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