Tropico Trilogy

1 Értékelések
Hozzáadás a kívánságlistához
  • Tropico 3
  • Tropico 3: Absolute Power
  • Tropico Reloaded
Ezeket a termékeket mind megkapod, amikor megvásárolod a mostani terméket.
Tropico 3
Engage in a tropical power trip! Become the dictator of a remote island during the Cold War. Charm, persuade, intimidate, oppress, or cheat your peop…
okt. 20, 2009
Tropico 3: Absolute Power
Tropico 3: Absolute Power is the first official expansion pack to the critically acclaimed Tropico 3 and provides all-new options as ruler of a small…
máj. 17, 2010
Tropico Reloaded
TROPICO RELOADED is the ultimate game compilation for hobby-dictators and those dreaming of their own Caribbean island. Tropico combines real-time st…
júl. 26, 2009
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