Saints Row: The Third Shark Attack Pack

  • Saints Row: The Third Shark Attack Pack
  • Saints Row: The Third Shark Attack Pack
Saints Row: The Third
Jeu de Base

Ce produit requiert le jeu de base Saints Row: The Third on Steam in order to play. You can not run this product without this game.

Rafraîchissez votre garde robe et cachette d’armes avec le Shark Attack Pack. Le Shark-O-Matic tire flux régulier de tripes de poissons gluantes, attirant tout ce qui peut se cacher sous les rues de Steelport. Et si cela ne suffit pas, le Shark Bite Hat vous permettra de découvrir ce que ça fait, que d’être pris au piège des mâchoires d’un grand requin blanc.



  • OS: Windows® XP
  • Processor: 2GHz Dual Core Processor (Intel® Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon™ X2) or higher
  • Memory: 2GB System RAM or more
  • Graphics: 320MB Video RAM GPU w/ Shader Model 3.0 support. NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 series or better. ATI Radeon™ HD3800 series or better
  • DirectX®: 9.0c
  • Hard Drive: 10GB
  • Sound: 100% DirectX® 9.0C compliant sound card or equivalent onboard sound
  • Co-Op Play:NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800 cards require 640MB of Video RAM. ATI Radeon™ HD3800 cards require 1GB of Video RAM


  • OS: Microsoft® Windows® 7
  • Processor: Any Quad Core Processor (Intel® Core i5 or AMD Phenom™ II X4) or 3.0+ Dual Core CPU
  • Memory: 4GB System RAM or more
  • Graphics: 1GB Video RAM GPU w/ Shader Model 4.0 support. NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 400 series or better. ATI Radeon™ HD5000 series or better
  • DirectX®: DirectX® 11
  • Hard Drive: 10 GB
  • Sound: 100% DirectX® 9.0C compliant sound card or equivalent onboard sound
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