Stellar Impact Bundle

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  • Stellar Impact
  • Stellar Impact - Artillery Ship DLC
  • Stellar Impact - Carrier Ship DLC
  • Stellar Impact - Support Ship DLC
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Stellar Impact
In space, war rages between allies and axis forces. In Stellar Impact you command a space battleship in intense tactical multi-player battles! You…
abril 12, 2012
Stellar Impact - Artillery Ship DLC
Remember that the best defense is a good offense! And there’s nothing more offensive then barraging your enemy and taking them down with shock and aw…
abril 12, 2012
Stellar Impact - Carrier Ship DLC
If a tactical game is more your cup of tea and you want to make surgical strikes on enemy forces, then you'll want to use the Carrier ship. The capit…
abril 12, 2012
Stellar Impact - Support Ship DLC
Any fleet during wartime needs a little support once in a while and if the enemy is at your gates, you’ll be glad to have the defensive foundation th…
abril 12, 2012
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