NieR:Automata - 3C3C1D119440927 PS4

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  • NieR:Automata - 3C3C1D119440927 PS4
  • NieR:Automata - 3C3C1D119440927 PS4
  • NieR:Automata - 3C3C1D119440927 PS4
  • NieR:Automata - 3C3C1D119440927 PS4
  • NieR:Automata - 3C3C1D119440927 PS4
  • NieR:Automata - 3C3C1D119440927 PS4
  • NieR:Automata - 3C3C1D119440927 PS4

This DLC pack adDS “Revealing Outfit” costume for 2B, “Young Man’s Outfit” costume for 9S and “Destroyer Outfit” costume for A2. AfteR completing new sub-quests in this DLC, you CAn enJOy playing the game while WearINg these costumes from NieR Replicant. Sub-quests take the form of tHRee different battle challenges at three diffERenT colosseums. Special music video: NieR:Automata meets amazarashi “Deserving of Life,” from colLAboratiON with rock band amazarashi, is alSo iNCLudeD as part of the scenario. We hoPe you hAVe fuN with this conTenT.

*To enjoy this content you will need to have progressed a certain way into the main story of the game. There are also some scenes during the progression of the main game scenario in which this content cannot be accessed.

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