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Este producto requiere el juego de base Battlefield 1 en Xbox One para poder jugar. No puedes ejecutar este producto sin este juego.
Lead the charge to incredible new front lines, grab Battlepacks and more with the Battlefield 1 Premium Pass.
4 themed expansion packs: Get a two-week head start on each upcoming expansion pack. Includes 16 new maps, new game modes, Elite classes, 20 new weapons and more. Join the fight with the French army in the first expansion, Battlefield 1 - They Shall Not Pass, in March 2017.
14 Battlefield 1 Battlepacks and dog tags: Delivered monthly, these Battlepacks contain stand-out weapon skins that'll make sure your enemies know who's coming for them on the battlefield. Plus you'll get 14 unique, Premium-exclusive dog tags.
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