Dungeon Minesweeper is a unique roguelike based on a minesweeper!
Story campaign
The game is filled with a small plot that will make you think. The main character is a lost dwarf who miraculously ended up in a dungeon. There is a portal near you that needs to be repaired. This is only possible if you collect all 4 relics! You need to complete tasks, learn all the mysteries of the dungeon, upgrade your character, interact with factions and defeat the final boss! It won't be easy, but you will prove that it is possible.
An important feature of the game
The game is an adventure in which a unique dungeon is generated every time! During the game you need to extract various resources: iron, gold, rubies. The map is completely destructible, and just by extracting resources you will be playing minesweeper! This project is unique, because the minesweeper game is the main mechanics of the game, while it remains a game in the roguelike genre. But besides bombs, enemies and traps can interfere with you!
Endless Mode
In addition to the story campaign, the game has an endless mode where you will not be disturbed by enemies and tasks. Make yourself comfortable and spend the evening in peace! The game has a leaderboard system, so the whole world will see your result. Can you set a new record?
Waiting for you: