Stellar Impact - Carrier Ship DLC

  • Stellar Impact - Carrier Ship DLC
  • Stellar Impact - Carrier Ship DLC
  • Stellar Impact - Carrier Ship DLC
  • Stellar Impact - Carrier Ship DLC
  • Stellar Impact - Carrier Ship DLC
  • Stellar Impact - Carrier Ship DLC
Stellar Impact

Dieses Produkt benötigt das Grundspiel Stellar Impact auf Steam, um zu Spielen. Du kannst dieses Produkt nicht ohne dieses Spiel ausführen.

If a tactical game is more your cup of tea and you want to make surgical strikes on enemy forces, then you'll want to use the Carrier ship. The capital ship of most fleets, the Carrier will enable you to strategically place squadrons of offensive troops into the heart of your enemy's defense – guerilla warfare anyone?

The carrier is a heavy ship acting as a mobile base to deploy squadrons. The various squadrons present a lot of tactical options during combat.


  • Fighter squadron: Create a squadron of fighters to inflict important area damage to the opposition
  • Bomber squadron: Create a squadron of bombers to deal enormous damage on a target
  • Assault ships: Send an assault ship squadron filled with Marines to sabotage the systems of an enemy ship
  • Drone: Send a stealth recon drone to reveal a large zone around your fleet
  • Tactical bomber: Send a tactical bomber load with a devastating Armageddon bomb.



  • OS: Windows® XP / Vista™ / Windows® 7
  • Processor: Dual core 2.33GHz processor or better
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 275 MB
  • Video Card: 512 MB GPU memory or better
  • Sound: Sound card with DirectX 9.0c support
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