SEGA MegaDrive & Genesis Classics Pack 2

1 Bewertung
Zur Wunschliste hinzugefügen
  • Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
  • Bonanza Bros.
  • Columns
  • Ecco Jr.
  • Eternal Champions
  • Fatal Labyrinth
  • Galaxy Force II
  • Kid Chameleon
  • Ristar
  • Super Thunder Blade
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Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
The whole Kidd family is upset! Alex’s father, King Thor, is missing, and they suspect he has been kidnapped by Ashra, the mean ruler of the planet P…
Sept. 13, 2010
Bonanza Bros.
The Bonanza Bros., Mike and Spike, are two of the most famous investigators around. One day, they received a strange phone call. “I can’t giv…
Sept. 13, 2010
Go back in time to a bygone civilization: the ancient world of Phoenicia. There you will play a simple and captivating game where sparkling, rainbow-…
Sept. 13, 2010
Ecco Jr.
Somewhere there is a place called the Endless Sea. There lives a giant whale named Big Blue. To find Big Blue, you have to open the Crystal D…
Sept. 13, 2010
Eternal Champions
Unjust deaths were dealt upon nine of history’s greatest and most influential warriors, and the future now stands at the brink of chaos. The …
Sept. 13, 2010
Fatal Labyrinth
Dragonia, the castle of doom, has been resurrected! But the ghouls from the castle have stolen the Holy Goblet, the source of light. Without it, the …
Sept. 13, 2010
Galaxy Force II
The peaceful and prosperous solar system Junos was located at the end of the Milky Way. Those who called its five planets home had no idea what was a…
Sept. 13, 2010
Kid Chameleon
Heady Metal, the boss of the arcade game Wild Side, has escaped! He’s capturing kids by defeating them at their own game. Take Kid Chameleon …
Sept. 13, 2010
The evil tyrant Greedy holds the galaxy of Valdi under a reign of terror, spreading misery and darkness. But from the depths of space comes Ristar, a…
Sept. 13, 2010
Super Thunder Blade
A renegade army has focused its sights on domination of the free world, and has unleashed its deadly troops from a secret power base in the East. Use…
Sept. 13, 2010
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