Dieses Produkt benötigt das Grundspiel King Arthur - The Role-playing Wargame auf Steam, um zu Spielen. Du kannst dieses Produkt nicht ohne dieses Spiel ausführen.
Includes 3 items: King Arthur: Knights and Vassals DLC, King Arthur: Legendary Artifacts DLC, King Arthur: The Saxons
A long time ago the Saxons came to Britannia as ruthless mercenaries, but they became the devoted warriors of Christianity, united under the rule of King Raedwald.
When Arthur, the son of Uther Pendragon pulled his cursed sword from the stone, the dark age of wizardry and pagan monstrosities returned. These are grave times for Britannia and only the devoted and the faithful can stop this madness.
Call the proud Saxons to Norfolk! Recruit armies and knights and prove that King Raedwald is the real Once and Future King!
King Arthur: The Saxons is a sandbox expansion where you lead the warriors of Christianity, the Saxons against the tides of pagans and the gathering darkness.
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