Dieses Produkt benötigt das Grundspiel Deep Sky Derelicts auf Steam, um zu Spielen. Du kannst dieses Produkt nicht ohne dieses Spiel ausführen.
Station Life is the second expansion to Deep Sky Derelicts that, as its name suggests, focuses on turning the station, your scavenger home and safe haven, into a livelier and more varied place to be, more useful and versatile hub of scavenging operations, and a more compelling experience overall.
The overhauled station brings new possibilities to further upgrade and customize your crew by crafting custom weaponry and equipment, re-training and neurally enhancing your squad members, and even changing their looks to your liking. The DLC also throws at you a handful of randomly generated but constantly challenging encounters and timed events that involve other station dwellers and may easily catch you off guard while always putting either your combat prowess, your luck or your business acumen to a test. To top it all off, the local bar now offers you a bunch of high-profile bounty contracts to pursue during your derelict raids for unique trophies and hefty coin rewards. Oh, and there is a new recruit class, the Inventor, waiting for you there!
New and enhanced station facilities:
Station random encounters:
New contracts and missions: