Apex Legends Founder's Pack

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  • Apex Legends Founder's Pack
  • Apex Legends Founder's Pack
  • Apex Legends Founder's Pack


  • 2000 Apex Coins
  • Exclusive Legendary The Notorious One Hemlok Weapon Skin
  • 3 Exclusive Roughneck Character Skins (1 each for Wraith, Bloodhound, and Gibraltar)
  • 3 Exclusive Banner Frames (1 each for Wraith, Bloodhound, and Gibraltar)
  • 1 Exclusive Founder’s Badge

Drop into the Battle Royale action with the Apex Legends Founder’s Pack.

Apex Coins are an in-game currency that can be used to purchase new customization items for characters and weapons in the direct purchase shop, to purchase cosmetic Apex Packs, or to unlock new characters through the in-game store.

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