You Can Cheat In Black Ops 4 By Using Emotes
We don’t think anyone would guess that players in Black Ops 4 could cheat by using emotes.

That is why we are here, to provide you with strange news about cheating in games by using emotes. All jokes aside, did you ever think about something like this? Exploiting a game system and using it for your advantage? Of course, you have, everyone will take advantage of something that is beneficial to them. Competitive players will use anything at their disposal to be number one, even if it is exploitation. Now, the Emote peeking thing has been blowing up on Reddit. This is the Reddit post that caught our attention. It shows how you can use Emotes in order to peak around corners.
How didn’t anyone notice something like this during testing? The game launched yesterday, and Treyarch has said that they are aware of the problem. As you can imagine, this isn’t a problem in the normal multiplayer segment. But, in the slow and high-stakes round of Blackout, being able to peak around corners is a powerful edge that can mean life or death. Treyarch has said that they are working on a fix, but it isn’t here yet. Strange, considering that this minor problem basically destroys the Blackout mode.
The Blackout mode is the most fun thing in Black Ops 4. But these kinds of problems need to be addressed quickly by a developer as known as Treyarch. When will the Emote bug be fixed? A day has passed since the bug got some attention on Reddit, and there’s still no sign of a fix.