Fallen Order is a single player Star Wars game, and it shows a lot of promise judging by the information that we have right now.

After Order 66 got executed, the majority of Jedi in the galaxy got massacred. Star Wars fans know how all of that went down, but this game will let us experience those tasking trials ourselves. We’re actually playing as a Jedi that is currently in hiding. The Empire is scouring all planets for any trace of Force users, and you get found when you use the Force to save a life.
Right there we get a good glimpse at our character and his nature. He is willing to reveal himself in order to save someone else’s’ life. Since this will be a single player experience, let’s hope that it delivers an invigorating and enthralling narrative, and also dives deeper into our protagonist’s mind and his motivations. Characters that will join us on your journey also seem like fun people. There’s an ex-Jedi Knight, a pilot with an attitude, and a faithful android companion.
Various magical environments will be available for exploration. Not a lot of information about the combat is available at the moment. But, since lightsabers and Force abilities aren’t that hard to get right, let’s be optimistic about their implementation in this title. Even Star Wars Battlefront II had solid lightsaber combat.
The only thing that makes us kind of concerned is the villain. The Star Wars universe has some great villains, but this game will have one that wasn’t shown in movies or the animated series. So, they could totally miss and make a horrible, generic bad guy. Hopefully, that doesn’t happen and Fallen Order turns out to be close to perfect. Maybe not perfect, let it just be good.

If you’re as excited about Fallen Order as we are, you can pre-order it on HRKGame.com right now and get it at a discounted price!