Warzone Is Getting a New Anti-Cheat System This Year
Activision has some major plans for Warzone and its continuous cheating problems with its brand new anti-cheat system that’s coming this year.

If you check most of the latest articles on Warzone, it’s mostly me talking about how the devs keep banning a ton of players. And since the cycle doesn’t seem to stop, it appears those pesky cheaters keep finding ways of coming back. But no more endless battles against the cheaters (we hope), Activision has a brand new tactic coming up.
With the reveal of Call of Duty: Vanguard, we also got the news that Warzone is getting a brand new anti-cheat system this year. We don’t know when it’s coming, whether it is made by the devs or some third-party dev, and how it will be more effective than the system currently at play.
Once Warzone gets its new map together with this new anti-cheat system, I’m sure a lot more players will return to the game. Since its numbers have been dwindling these past couple of months. Totally understandable since cheaters and hackers can be found quite often in most matches. Hopefully their new anti-cheat system manages to prove more useful than the current one.

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