AC Valhalla isn’t just generally praised by fans it is also Ubisoft’s most successful PC release they’ve ever had up to this point.

Since Assassin’s Creed started its new ARPG wave, the fanbase started to split. Some like the RPG mechanics and flashier combat. Others think Assassin’s Creed lost his soul and became a completely different breed of game. Whatever the case may be, Valhalla is a hit, both among fans and the critics. While the two previous games, Odyssey and Origins, both have User Metacritic score of about 6.0, Valhalla has a solid 7.6. It shows since Valhalla launched 8 days ago and it already dominates as the best-selling Assassin’s Creed game in history. Not only that, but it’s also set an all-time high record on the Ubisoft Store with amazing sales performance.
With this in mind, what are the chances of Valhalla becoming Ubisoft’s best-selling title? The possibility is there since this outsold all the Mass Effect and Dragon Age games on the PC. That’s not an easy accomplishment. However, a Mass Effect remaster and a new Mass Effect title could topple that number one spot again. Perhaps Ubisoft is on a track to release good games again? Who knows, everything is possible these days.
Are you surprised that Valhalla is the most successful Ubisoft release on PC? Let me know your thoughts on this in the comments section down below!

You can buy Valhalla for your Xbox One/Series X right now on HRK Game for a discounted price, or you can check out the rest of the Assassin’s Creed franchise that’s insanely discounted as well!