Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast Impressions

Key Highlights

  1. Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast introduces new factions, legendary lords, and units, adding depth and variety to the game
  2. The DLC focuses on the Empire and the Lizardmen, offering new campaigns and mechanics for both factions
  3. Markus Wulfhart’s campaign as the Huntsmarshal offers a challenging and unique gameplay experience, with new mechanics like the Hostility system and the ability to recruit special heroes
  4. Nakai the Wanderer’s campaign as the Spirit of the Jungle introduces horde gameplay to the Lizardmen, with a focus on conquering settlements and establishing temples
  5. The DLC also includes an update for the Empire faction in the Mortal Empires campaign, adding new units and improving the overall gameplay experience
  6. While Nakai’s campaign may lack complexity, Wulfhart’s campaign is a standout and offers a diverse and engaging gameplay experience


As a devoted fan of the Total War series, I always get excited when a new DLC is released. Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast DLC is no exception. This latest addition to the game adds new factions, legendary lords, and units, expanding the depth and variety of gameplay. In this blog, I will provide my impressions of the DLC, focusing on the key features, factions, units, and campaign mechanics.

Overview of Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast

While Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast DLC offers new content and gameplay mechanics, it falls short in some aspects. The DLC introduces two new factions, the Empire and the Lizardmen, and adds new campaigns for both factions. However, the execution of these campaigns and the overall gameplay experience leave something to be desired. The DLC includes new mechanics such as the Hostility system and the ability to recruit special heroes, but they don’t fully enhance the gameplay experience as expected. Additionally, while the Empire faction receives an update in the Mortal Empires campaign, the changes may not be significant enough to warrant excitement. Overall, The Hunter & The Beast DLC has some interesting additions, but it fails to deliver a truly captivating experience.

Key Features and Additions

The Hunter & The Beast DLC brings several key features and additions to Total War: Warhammer II. These include:

  1. New regiments of renown: The DLC introduces new elite units with special abilities and enhanced stats, offering players more strategic options on the battlefield.
  2. New playable legendary lords: Players can take control of two new legendary lords, Markus Wulfhart for the Empire and Nakai the Wanderer for the Lizardmen. Each lord has unique abilities and playstyles, providing a fresh and challenging experience.
  3. Unique new lord: The DLC introduces Wulfhart, the Huntsmarshal, as a new playable lord for the Empire. He brings a unique playstyle focused on hunting down enemies and forging alliances.

The Impact on the Total War: Warhammer II Experience

The Hunter & The Beast DLC has a significant impact on the Total War: Warhammer II experience. It adds new factions, legendary lords, and units, expanding the gameplay options available to players. The DLC also improves the overall gameplay experience by introducing new mechanics and features. However, while the DLC offers new content, it may not fully live up to the expectations of some players. The execution of certain aspects, such as the campaigns and mechanics, may leave something to be desired. Nonetheless, for fans of Total War: Warhammer II, The Hunter & The Beast DLC provides new challenges and opportunities to explore the world of Warhammer.

total war: warhammer ii - the hunter & the beast

Deep Dive into New Factions

Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast focuses on two new factions, the Empire and the Lizardmen. While the addition of new factions is exciting, the execution of their campaigns and mechanics may not meet the expectations of players. The Empire’s campaign as Markus Wulfhart offers a unique playstyle with challenges and alliances, but it lacks depth and complexity. On the other hand, Nakai the Wanderer’s campaign as the Spirit of the Jungle brings horde gameplay to the Lizardmen, but it may feel underdeveloped compared to other factions. Overall, the new factions add variety to the game, but they may not provide the immersive experience some players are looking for.

The Huntsmarshal’s Expedition

Markus Wulfhart’s campaign, known as the Huntsmarshal’s Expedition, offers a unique and challenging gameplay experience for the Empire faction. As the Huntsmarshal, players must navigate a hostile environment and forge alliances with unlikely allies to survive. The campaign introduces the Hostility system, which increases the strength and aggressiveness of the opponents as territorial gains are made. Additionally, the campaign features the Empire Undivided update, which improves the overall gameplay experience for the Empire faction in the Mortal Empires campaign. While the Huntsmarshal’s Expedition brings some interesting elements to the game, it may not fully deliver the immersive and captivating experience that players are looking for.

The Spirit of the Jungle

Nakai the Wanderer’s campaign, known as the Spirit of the Jungle, introduces horde gameplay to the Lizardmen faction. As a giant crocodile with no interest in governing, Nakai focuses on conquering settlements and establishing temples. The campaign offers a different playstyle compared to other Lizardmen factions, but it may lack depth and complexity. While the idea of a “good guy” horde team is interesting, the execution may not live up to expectations. Overall, the Spirit of the Jungle campaign adds variety to the game, but it may not provide the immersive and strategic experience that players are looking for.

New Units and Their Strategic Importance

Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast introduces new units for both the Empire and the Lizardmen factions. These units bring strategic importance to the gameplay, offering players more options and tactics on the battlefield. In the Empire faction, the Huntsman unit, with its ranged bowman abilities and anti-large capabilities, becomes a valuable asset in battles against the Lizardmen. However, the new War Wagon units may not live up to the expectations, lacking the impact and effectiveness of other units. In the Lizardmen faction, the Dread Saurians stand out as the new endgame monster, dwarfing other units in size and power. The addition of the Sacred Kroxigors and the Razordon Hunting Pack also adds variety to the Lizardmen’s roster. While the new units bring strategic depth to the game, some may not be as impactful as anticipated.

Unique Units for The Hunter

As the Huntsmarshal, Markus Wulfhart brings unique units to the Empire faction. These units, known as regiments of renown, have special abilities and enhanced stats, providing players with new strategic options on the battlefield. Alongside the regiments of renown, Wulfhart has access to four unique heroes known as Wulfhart’s Hunters. These heroes have their own quests and bring unique powers and abilities to the faction. Each hero archetype offers different strengths and enhances the overall gameplay experience. The unique units and heroes for The Hunter faction add depth and variety to the Empire’s roster, allowing players to explore different tactics and strategies in battles.

Unique Beasts for The Beast

In the Spirit of the Jungle campaign, Nakai the Wanderer introduces unique beasts to the Lizardmen faction. These new units, such as the Dread Saurians and the Sacred Kroxigors, offer powerful abilities and increased strength on the battlefield. The addition of these units adds variety and strategic depth to the Lizardmen’s roster. However, the new Razordon Hunting Pack may not be as impactful as anticipated, and players may find other units more effective in battles. Overall, the unique beasts for The Beast faction provide new tactical options and enhance the gameplay experience for the Lizardmen faction.

total war: warhammer ii - the hunter & the beast

Legendary Lords Analysis

The Hunter & The Beast DLC introduces two new legendary lords for Total War: Warhammer II, Markus Wulfhart and Nakai the Wanderer. While both lords offer unique playstyles and abilities, their campaigns may not fully deliver the immersive and captivating experience that players are looking for. Markus Wulfhart’s campaign as the Huntsmarshal provides a challenging and engaging gameplay experience, but it may lack depth and complexity. Nakai the Wanderer’s campaign as the Spirit of the Jungle brings horde gameplay to the Lizardmen faction, but it may feel underdeveloped compared to other legendary lords. Overall, the legendary lords add variety to the game, but they may not provide the fully satisfying experience some players are seeking.

Markus Wulfhart – The Hunter

Markus Wulfhart, known as The Hunter, is one of the new legendary lords introduced in The Hunter & The Beast DLC. As the Huntsmarshal, Wulfhart brings a unique playstyle and challenges to the Empire faction. His campaign focuses on hunting down enemies and forging alliances in a hostile environment. The campaign takes place in the Eye of the Vortex, adding an additional layer of strategy and objectives. Wulfhart’s abilities and playstyle make him a formidable leader on the battlefield, and his campaign offers a diverse and engaging experience for players. However, some players may find that the campaign lacks depth and complexity compared to other legendary lords.

Nakai The Wanderer – The Beast

Nakai the Wanderer, known as The Beast, is another legendary lord introduced in The Hunter & The Beast DLC. As a giant crocodile and leader of the Spirit of the Jungle faction, Nakai brings a unique playstyle to the Lizardmen faction. His campaign focuses on conquering settlements and establishing temples, and he leads a horde faction. While Nakai’s campaign introduces new mechanics and challenges, some players may find it lacking in depth and complexity compared to other legendary lords. Overall, Nakai offers a different gameplay experience for Lizardmen players, but it may not fully deliver the immersive and engaging experience that some players are seeking.

Campaign Mechanics Explored

Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast introduces new campaign mechanics for both the Empire and the Lizardmen factions. Markus Wulfhart’s campaign as the Huntsmarshal features the Hostility system, which increases the strength and aggressiveness of opponents as territorial gains are made. This adds a challenging and dynamic element to the campaign, forcing players to strategize and adapt to constantly changing circumstances. Additionally, Wulfhart can recruit special heroes known as Wulfhart’s Hunters, who bring unique abilities and quests to the faction. Nakai the Wanderer’s campaign as the Spirit of the Jungle introduces horde gameplay to the Lizardmen faction, with a focus on conquering settlements and establishing temples. While these campaign mechanics add depth and variety to the gameplay experience, some players may find them lacking in complexity compared to other campaign mechanics in the game.

The Huntsmarshal’s Expedition Mechanics

In Markus Wulfhart’s campaign, players take on the role of the Huntsmarshal and embark on an expedition in the New World. The campaign objectives revolve around forging alliances and defending against enemy threats. As the player makes territorial gains, the Hostility system comes into play, increasing the strength and aggressiveness of opponents. To counteract this, Markus receives military supply shipments from the Elector Counts of the Old World, allowing him to recruit specialized forces instantly.

The Huntsmarshal’s Expedition mechanics create a unique playstyle that focuses on strategic decision-making and balancing territorial expansion with the defense of captured settlements. The need to maintain alliances and manage limited reinforcements adds an extra layer of challenge to the campaign.

The Spirit of the Jungle Mechanics

In Nakai the Wanderer’s campaign, players lead the Spirit of the Jungle faction, a horde faction of Lizardmen. Nakai, an Ancient Kroxigor, does not focus on governing but instead establishes temples in conquered settlements and gifts them to his vassal, the Defenders of the Great Plan. This faction serves to defend the settlements controlled by Nakai.

The Spirit of the Jungle mechanics introduce a new dynamic to the game, allowing players to play as a horde faction and utilize the horde mechanics in a different way. The text table below provides more details on the mechanics and bonuses of the Spirit of the Jungle faction:



Vassal Faction

Defenders of the Great Plan are a permanent vassal faction of Nakai. They defend the settlements controlled by Nakai and provide tribute.

Temple Building

Nakai can establish temples in conquered settlements. Different temples offer different bonuses and perks for the faction.

Global Recruitment Pool

Recruitment for Nakai’s army is done through his horde, and other hordes can recruit units from the global recruitment pool

Temple Bonuses

The more temples Nakai controls, the more bonuses and advantages the faction gains. These bonuses can significantly enhance the campaign.

Hostile Relations

Nakai’s aggressive actions can result in hostile relations with other Lizardmen factions, leading to combat bonuses for the enemy.

The Spirit of the Jungle mechanics offer a fresh gameplay experience, allowing players to lead a horde faction and strategically manage their vassal faction while expanding their influence in Lustria.

total war: warhammer ii - the hunter & the beast

Battle Strategies and Tactics

While The Hunter & The Beast DLC brings new factions and mechanics to Total War: Warhammer II, the battle strategies and tactics may leave some players feeling underwhelmed. The new units introduced in the DLC, such as the Huntsman and the Dread Saurians, provide some variety on the battlefield, but they fail to significantly impact the overall gameplay.

The Huntsman units, with their ranged bowman abilities and anti-large capabilities, have potential but are hindered by their lack of armor-piercing damage. This makes them less effective against high-armor units like the Lizardmen’s Saurus Warriors. The new War Wagon units, on the other hand, are lackluster and fail to make a significant impact in battles.

While battles in The Hunter & The Beast DLC can still be entertaining, they often devolve into steamrolling scenarios where the player’s faction becomes too powerful. This lack of challenge and variety in battle strategies and tactics may disappoint players looking for more depth and complexity in their gameplay experience.

Despite these shortcomings, Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast does offer opportunities for unique matchups and battles against factions not normally encountered by the Empire. This adds a level of novelty and challenge to the game but does not fully compensate for the lackluster battle strategies and tactics.

Effective Use of New Units

Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast introduces new units with unique combat abilities and elite variants that can be strategically deployed on the battlefield. The Huntsman units, with their ranged bowman abilities and anti-large capabilities, are most effective when used to skirmish and take down large enemy units. Their ability to fire on the move gives them an advantage in maneuvering and kiting tactics.

The Dread Saurians, as the new endgame monster unit for the Lizardmen, bring immense size and power to the battlefield. With their towering presence and devastating attacks, they can turn the tide of battle in favor of the Lizardmen. However, their recruitment is restricted to a special building, making them a limited but formidable asset.

Strategic deployment of these new units and effective utilization of their combat abilities can give players an edge in battle and enhance their overall gameplay experience. However, it is important to note that the DLC’s battle strategies and tactics may limit the full potential of these new units.

Tips for Managing Large-Scale Battles

Large-scale battles in Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast require careful management and strategic decision-making. Here are some tips to help players navigate and succeed in these epic encounters:

  1. Understand Unit Stats: Familiarize yourself with the stats and abilities of your units. This knowledge will allow you to make informed decisions on unit composition and positioning during battles.
  2. Utilize PC Controls: Take advantage of the PC controls to zoom in and out, rotate the camera, and get a better view of the battlefield. This will help you assess the situation and make tactical decisions.
  3. Plan for Large-Scale Battles: Large-scale battles can be overwhelming, so it’s important to plan your strategy in advance. Divide your forces into different groups and assign them specific targets or roles.
  4. Use Terrain to Your Advantage: Take advantage of the terrain to gain tactical advantages. Position your units on high ground or in dense forests to gain defensive bonuses or ambush your enemies.
  5. Coordinate Attacks: Coordinate your attacks by timing your unit movements and using formations. Flank your enemies, focus fire on priority targets, and use spells or abilities strategically.

By following these tips and applying strategic thinking during large-scale battles, players can increase their chances of success and enjoy a more immersive gaming experience.

Pros and Cons of The DLC

Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast offers both pros and cons for players. On the positive side, the DLC introduces new factions, campaign objectives, and mechanics that add variety and depth to the gameplay. The new playable legendary lords, Markus Wulfhart and Nakai the Wanderer, provide unique powers and abilities, giving players a fresh experience.

The DLC also includes the Empire undivided update, which enhances the overall gameplay experience for Empire players. The addition of new State Troops and improvements to diplomacy add more strategic options for players.

However, The Hunter & The Beast DLC falls short in some areas. The battle strategies and tactics may feel lackluster, and the new units introduced in the DLC do not significantly impact the gameplay. Additionally, some players may find the campaign objectives and mechanics repetitive or unengaging.

Despite these drawbacks, the DLC still offers a worthwhile experience for hardcore fans of Total War: Warhammer II. The unique powers, new campaigns, and enhancements to the game’s mechanics make it a must-have for those already invested in the world of Total War.

What Enhances the Game

Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast enhances user experience by introducing unique powers and abilities for the new playable legendary lords. The addition of Markus Wulfhart and Nakai the Wanderer provides players with fresh gameplay options and strategies.

The DLC also expands the game’s content with new campaigns in both the Eye of the Vortex and Mortal Empires modes. This allows players to explore new territories, face new challenges, and engage in epic battles.

Furthermore, The Hunter & The Beast DLC integrates seamlessly with the existing game, including the Immortal Empires campaign. This ensures that players can continue their immersive gameplay experience in a unified and cohesive world.

Overall, the unique powers, new campaigns, and integration with the existing game enhance the Total War: Warhammer II experience, providing players with more content and opportunities for strategic gameplay.

Potential Areas for Improvement

While Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast offers an enjoyable experience for players, there are potential areas for improvement. Players may look forward to future updates or DLCs that address these areas:

  1. Additional Lord Packs: The inclusion of more diverse and iconic legendary lords from the Warhammer world could further enrich the gameplay experience.
  2. Enhanced Lords Pack Mechanics: The introduction of more complex and engaging mechanics for the lords packs, similar to those seen in previous DLCs, would add depth and replayability to the campaigns.
  3. Collaboration with SEGA: Collaborating with SEGA to expand the game’s content, improve performance, and address any technical issues would ensure a better overall gaming experience.

While The Hunter & The Beast DLC is a step in the right direction, there is always room for improvement and innovation in future content updates for Total War: Warhammer II.

total war: warhammer ii - the hunter & the beast


In conclusion, Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast offers a mixed bag of experiences. While the new factions and units add some strategic depth, the campaign mechanics may feel lacking for seasoned players. The Legendary Lords bring unique playstyles, but the overall impact on the game experience is somewhat underwhelming. Despite some positives, there are areas that could have been improved to make the DLC more engaging. If you are a fan of the franchise, this DLC might pique your interest, but it may not fully satisfy your expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes this DLC stand out in Total War: Warhammer II?

Total War: Warhammer II – The Hunter & The Beast stands out with its introduction of unique units, new campaigns, and fresh gameplay mechanics. It offers players the opportunity to explore new territories and engage in epic battles within the world of Warhammer II.

Can I play The Hunter & The Beast without the base game?

No, The Hunter & The Beast DLC is an expansion for the base game Total War: Warhammer II. It cannot be played independently and requires the base game to access the new content and features. The DLC is available for PC players.

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