Terraria is getting its final update in the form of Journey’s End which was originally supposed to come out way back in 2019.

Terraria is going to celebrate its 9th birthday in a month. This 2D action-packed survival/crafting/builder fest got many updates over the years. A lot of excellent content has been released for free. I am an avid fan of the game and its developers, and after a long time, Terraria is getting its final update in the form of Journey’s End that’s coming on May 16th. Over a thousand new items, new bosses, two new modes. Again, an insane amount of new content for free.
Don’t forget new biomes and weather effects, golf, and a redone world generation system. As someone that played this game for an insane amount of hours, there are still items that I haven’t gotten yet. And now there’s a bunch of new things on the way. Check out the trailer for Terraria: Journey’s End to see some of the new stuff in action. Anyone that is a fan of 2D games with crafting, tons of items and playstyles, and meaningful progression and crafting should try Terraria.

Think of this game as a 2D version of Minecraft that puts a larger emphasis on living out your power fantasy. There’s a freaking late-game sword that shoots Nyan cat projectiles. You can get a Terraria PC key on HRK Game for dirt- cheap.
I’m lovin’ it! I actually just read like three of your posts today. So that means you better keep writing more, because I am going through these like they’re going out of style.