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Will Alyx Bring Us Closer To Half-Life 3?

Half-Life: Alyx, the upcoming VR shooter from Valve may just be the thing that brings us closer to Half-Life 3. The Half-Life franchise returns Valve went out of its way to explain to the fans of the Half-Life franchise why exactly Alyx is a VR title. As you can imagine, a lot of people got jolly excited when a new entry was announced. Then,…

Valve Explains Why Alyx Is A VR Title

If you were wondering why the new Half-Life game is an exclusive VR title, a documentary has Valve explain why and how Alyx came to be. The why and the how The announcement trailer for Half-Life: Alyx arrived. It's safe to say that…

Valve Is Slowly Abandoning Team Fortress 2

Because they are busy with a major new project, it seems that Valve is slowly but surely leaving Team Fortress 2 behind. As we all know, Valve is cooking up a brand new Half-Life title. Since a lot of Valve's great employees left the…

Portal 2 Improves Local Co-Op With New Update

Portal 2 got a sudden new update that brings some much-needed improvements to the game's local cooperative mode. This is a title that will soon be 9 years old. Valve released this incredibly compelling and innovative co-op puzzler…

Valve Announces Half-Life: Alyx, A VR Game

Completely out of the blue, Valve comes out and drops the announcement for Half-Life: Alyx, a brand new VR flagship title. It's not Half-Life 3 The internet breaks, everyone is going crazy. Oh dear lord, we're getting a new Half-Life…

Steam Changing Video Content Library

One of the reasons that Steam is so popular in the world of gaming today is that it has something for everyone in terms of gaming, and that's what people love. But, Valve, the company behind the worldwide service, knows that sometimes you…

How Will Steam Improve In 2019?

Steam has seen exponential growth in the past couple of years, but how will this platform improve in 2019? Steam is a digital goods distribution platform, but it is also an online gathering place. That's why many things regarding

90 Million People Use Steam Each Month

Everyone knows that Steam is a really big digital distribution platform, but the amount of people that use it monthly is insane. A lot of wealthy companies are trying to make way for their own digital distribution platforms. The…

Certain Artifact Cards Are Really Expensive

The player market in Artifact was a smart idea because one card right now costs more than the game itself. Oh, you thought that Hearthstone was rough for players that didn't want to spend money on it? Oh boy, have you given Artifact…

Valve Responds To Complaints About Artifact

We gotta admit, Valve is acting pretty quickly, as they have already responded to the various complaints about Artifact. All in all, this is a pretty smart move. If your players get so fired up about a problem within your game, you…

The Monetization In Artifact Is Horrible

Artifact, Valve's Dota 2 trading card game, has been rising quite a few eyebrows with its monetization details. When developers start talking about bringing complex and strategic gameplay unlike anything you've ever experienced…