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The Crew 2 Closed Beta Starts On May 31st

We are eagerly waiting to see just how good/bad The Crew 2 is going to end up being, considering how the first game didn't exactly live up to the expectations of many players. But, the sequel is a chance for the developers to redeem…

For Honor Gets A Training Mode

For Honor amassed a lot of hype when it first got announced, and a lot of people played it when it first launched, but these days it feels like you can barely find a match in Ubisoft's sword-brawler. If you want a game with excellent and…

Far Cry 5 Tops PSN Charts For March

When a game is in development, you hope that when it releases, it does well. In this day and age, it's not just physical game sales you look at, but digital ones too. To that end, Far Cry 5 is exceeding expectations on multiple levels. For…

Far Cry 5 Once Again On Top Of UK Charts

Much like a movie, it's always good for a video game to debut at the top of the charts when it releases. However, also like a movie, seeing how good it does after its first weekend is also important. If it stays on top, it likely means that…

Far Cry 5 Has Launched Its First Live Event

One of the joys of Far Cry 5 is that there are plenty of things to do in it. You have a massive world to explore, activities and missions galore, and many ways to tackle your problems. Including the cult that's ravaging the land. However,…