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Generation Zero Gets An Intense Launch Trailer

Robots are pretty scary, and the launch trailer for Generation Zero shows us the Swedish countryside that's filled with eerie-looking and deadly machinery. Co-op shooters where you have to take down dangerous AI opponents aren't as popular as they once were. Still, a shooter that is set in the 80s and features a lot of stunning environments

Resident Evil 2 Remake Getting Free DLC Today

Three "What If" stories are coming to the Resident Evil 2 Remake today in the form of the free Ghost Survivors DLC. There was a really long time where zombie games were just mindless and bland shooters that couldn't scare a kitten,

Backpacks Are Very Important In Outward

Outward is an hardcore RPG that has many strange features, and backpack is one of the important ones. A hardcore RPG that blends realism and fantasy in order to bring us a unique experience. We like what we know so far about the

Human NPC Found In Fallout 76 Dev Room

One of the marketing points of Fallout 76 is that the only humans were other players, but there is a human NPC in the dev room. Bethesda, and various other developers, often have a "dev room" which contains all the items from their…