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Prey Multiplayer Mode Not Hitting With Fans

In the gaming world that we live in, there is a "belief" that every single game out there needs to have a multiplayer mode of some sort. That they need to have a way of allowing players to play with one another, even if the game itself isn't exactly built for it. When Prey was released, it was a fulfilling of a promise that started a long time ago,…

Prey: Mooncrash Gets Another Free Update

Prey: Mooncrash was something of a hybrid between a new game mode and an expansion. It was like the game got a cool roguelike mode which was fun at times but it definitely wasn't for everyone. Anyhow, Mooncrash got another free content…

Prey Mod Offers Graphics Overhaul

One of the highlight releases in gaming this year for many is arguably Prey, a game that was rebooted by Bethesda after its initial release back in 2006. We have also seen players offering up mods that make significant enhancements to the…