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The Game Awards Are Tonight

While the year is almost over (can you believe it?), there are still a few major dates that need to be crossed off before the year in gaming is over. And one of them is tonight, for The Game Awards will be airing all over the world, and…

Pokemon GO Is Finally Launching PVP This Month

From the outset, Pokemon GO had a mission, and that mission was to deliver the most "real" Pokemon experience in the world. They did that in many ways, including having the Pokemon actually being a part of the world around you, even using…

Mario Tennis Aces Gets New Patch

There have been a lot of surprise titles on the Nintendo Switch, both in terms of arrivals, but also, in terms of selling really well. And one of the biggest surprises has been that of Mario Tennis Aces. For while this is the latest of the…

Nintendo Not Planning N64 Classic

Nintendo made a very bold move in the last few years before the launch of the Switch. With the Wii U dying and bleeding out money and sales, the Big N decided to make a retro console that would play up the nostalgia factor and get people…