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Overwatch: Doomfist Apparently Has A Lot Of Bugs

A lot of people were excited when Blizzard first revealed Doomfist. Just by his name alone you could tell that he was going to be a badass character. But, having a cool name doesn't mean that you won't come with a lot of bugs, and we do mean A LOT of them. There's a particular thread on the Overwatch forum where a user by the name of iSinner listed…

Overwatch Gets New Patch Notes

For Overwatch, patches are absolutely essential. The game is in a constant state of balancing, both by fan request and by the team at Blizzard themselves. More than that though, they use these patches to also bring in new and exciting…

Overwatch – Doomfist hero datamined?

For months there have been rumors that one of the upcoming heroes of Overwatch may be Doomfist, but it always proved to be just a rumor. But now we might have finally witnessed actual evidence. There was an Overwatch update on the Public…