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Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 Release Date Leaked?

Now, before anyone starts screaming "CLICKBAIT", bear in mind that these are merely speculations about the release date of Cyberpunk 2077. Now that we got that out of the way, let's talk about this alleged release date for Cyberpunk 2077. In a DSOgaming article, we found out that a Turkish publisher made some statements on Twitter. These…

Cyberpunk 2077 Wants To Be Different

An extensive interview with the developers of Cyberpunk 2077 reveals how this RPG wants to be different from the rest. The people behind the Witcher 3 want to make another excellent RPG. They obviously have the skill for that, but…

Cyberpunk 2077 Aims To be “Game-Changer”

CD Projekt Red is known for pushing the envelope in many ways with their titles. The Witcher is the best example of this, for they made a deep and mature RPG that lasted three titles and many DLC expansions, especially with Wild Hunt. And…

Cyberpunk 2077 Won’t Be A Cliche Of A Story

From the moment we heard about Cyberpunk 2077, people were enthralled with the super futuristic look that the game had, and they wanted more of it. Fast forward a few years and CD Projekt Red finally gave us a full-on trailer that showed…