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Call of Duty: WWII

Call Of Duty: WWII Sells 4.4 Million Copies In November

For the last several years, November has been marked by major releases across many developers and genres. But, the one franchise that made November famous and infamous for big releases was Call of Duty. For several of its recent games released in November, and this year was no different, as Call Of Duty: WWII arrived on November 3rd of this year,…

Call Of Duty: WWII Gets Ranked Play Today

For certain online games, the greatest thrill is going up against other players from across the world and finding out that you are better than them. Beating them in combat, either alone or in a team, and showing that your skills are better…

Call of Duty: WWII is Now Available

Call of Duty: WWII is now available worldwide on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It's that time of year again, where another entry into the Call of Duty franchise has arrived, delighting fans of the immensely popular first-person shooter…