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Worlds Adrift Gets A Player Council

Modern MMORPGs don't have anything like Player Councils, but they used to have them way back in the day. But, there are games that are unlike the rest, like Worlds Adrift that just got its first Community Cloud Council. Bossa Studios have announced the arrival of the Community Cloud Council this weekend, and the first 10 players that are a…

Ni no Kuni II Is Getting Free DLC

Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is an amazing RPG with a lot of great content in it. It's interesting, has charming characters, an amazing world to explore, and we just found out that it's getting free DLC soon. Look at the game's…

Sunlesss Skies Has A Creepy New Region

Oh God, who in their right mind could come up with a region as eerie as this. Sunless Skies, a game set in the early 20th Century, has a brand new region called Eleutheria, and it looks rather bone-chilling. Sunless Skies is an Early…

No Man’s Sky Has Been Revived

There was once a time where we thought we could play with our friends in No Man's Sky. That turned out to be a lie, but now, after many updates, the game actually has multiplayer, and the number of active players yesterday spiked.…

The Light Keeps Us Safe Gets A Teaser Trailer

From the people that brought you, Sir, You Are Being Hunted, comes another terrifying and exciting game in which we will do a lot of running. Big Robot seems like its a company full of people that really understand psychological horror and…

Will We Get Alan Wake 2 Anytime Soon?

A fan of the horror survival genre? Then we hope that you at least heard of Alan Wake, a game with such a brilliant story and an excellent atmosphere that also shows what a real horror survival game looks like. The fans have…

Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time Launches

Are you an anime fan? Have you heard of a magical girl anime where we follow our protagonist as she goes with her daily life in a magical academy? Of course you have, as there are loads of anime like that, but we are talking specifically…

Smoke and Sacrifice Gets A Release Date

You don't get a lot of games today that focus on the narrative and the story, even if you are playing an RPG. But, there are always exceptions to every rule, and a game called Smoke and Sacrifice just got its release date. The game looks…