Switch Exclusive Daemon X Machina Available On Steam Right Now
The former Switch exclusive Daemon X Machina is now officially available on Steam for any fans of anime and giant robots.

Daemon X Machina is a Nintendo Switch exclusive that got either positive or mixed reviews. Many seemed to enjoy this giant-anime-robots-fighting extravaganza. It seems like a perfect title for anyone that loves anime and giant robots beating/shooting each other to death. Now, in an era where every exclusive loses its exclusive title, we can buy Daemon X Machina on Steam. That’s right, this trend isn’t stopping anytime soon. More excellent news, as Sony recently announced that Horizon: Zero Dawn, previously a PS4 exclusive, will also be available on Steam. That title also has robots in it, but they aren’t gigantic anime robots. This announcement came completely unexpected, as there was no prior news regarding which platforms the game was going to release for. It was a Nintendo Switch exclusive, so we all figured it was going to stay that way. Surprisingly, this isn’t the case.
Anyone that’s a fan of spectacular anime mech battles is going to fall in love with this game. It won’t appeal to everyone but you won’t find a lot of game out there that let gigantic mechs tear each other to pieces in the most epic of ways. The game is out right now.

So, what do you think? Does this seem like a title that you might enjoy? If the answer is yes, I have some terrific news. Both the Steam and the Nintendo Switch versions are available on HRK Game for an amazing price right now!