Strange Brigade Gets Free Maps And New DLC Character

The Strange Brigade developers are no strangers to free stuff it seems. They just released 4 maps for free, and introduced a brand new DLC character.

Strange Brigade

Strange Brigade is a co-op shooter filled with goofy characters, awesome map design, and a pretty cool storyline. This game reminded us of the old Indiana Jones and The Mummy movies, and for us, that’s a huge plus. But, as with many horde shooters, this is a game best played with your friends.

Strange Brigade

So, have you played Strange Brigade yet? The game can be finished pretty quickly if you have a team that’s organized. But, don’t fear, as free content is here! The first batch of new maps has arrived, and it’s free for everyone to grab. That’s right, no payment required for these new Horde Mode and Score Attack maps. You have three Score Attacks maps and one Horde Mode map, which were based on some levels from the game. That means you may find some similarities between them.

Strange Brigade

As you can see, the first DLC character has also arrived with this update. His name is Patrick “Bash” Conaghan, and he likes headshots, explosives, and lightning. He likes adventuring, shooting things in the head, and he was once a rodeo rider and even a movie stuntman. Seems like an interesting fellow, and the combination of explosives and mystic electrical powers sure do make for an awesome combination that we want to try out.



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