Splatoon 2 Details Revealed at Nintendo Direct
Splatoon 2 is set to launch as an exclusive to the Nintendo Switch very soon, and recently Nintendo teamed up with the Squid Research Lab to reveal some new and returning features coming to the highly anticipated sequel.
The presentation, which you can see in full at this link, showcased a number of new features, such as new weapons, locations and new fashion styles. Plus, SplatNet 2 was also briefly mentioned, which brings a brand new service to mobile devices to keep fans up to date with information such as gear, stats and stage schedules. SplatNet 2 will launch as part of the Nintendo Switch Online mobile app, which will release on July 21st, in which players can send friends multiplayer invites through means such as social media, as well as voice chat in battles and more.
Nintendo of America’s Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing Doug Bowser stated: “Splatoon 2 is a huge, robust sequel to the original Splatoon. Fans that played and loved the first game will have plenty of new stuff to enjoy, while the game is also a great introduction for players new to the colorful and stylish series.”
Splatoon 2 will launch on Nintendo Switch on July 21st.