Sniper Elite V2 Remastered Gets A Release Date
A new Graphics Comparison Trailer for Sniper Elite V2 Remastered was released and it contains the release date.

The first thing that we noticed when we watched this Graphics Comparison Trailer was that the original game looked, well, much uglier than we remember. Is our memory bad or is something else in question here? Once we went into the comment section, some players said that the footage in the trailer for the original game uses the console version. That’s why it looks so ugly. Anyone who played the original on a solid rig will tell you that it didn’t look nearly as bad as that trailer makes it out be.
It’s sad that we can’t see how much Sniper Elite V2 Remastered improves the graphics in contrast to the original played on a good PC, which is the very thing that is making all the players frustrated. As it stands, the “Remastered” version looks like Sniper Elite V2 on the PC when you turn all the graphical settings to the max. When you look at it like that, the remaster kind of loses its purposes, doesn’t it?
We’re not saying that there are no visual improvements. The textures have been improved, as well as the animations and the models of characters, the explosions have more vivid effects. But, in the grand scheme of things, such minor improvements aren’t worth the price tag that’s atteched to the remaster, especially for those that don’t own the original game, as then the price is ridiculous.
Anyhow, Sniper Elite V2 Remasterd is coming out on May 14th, 2019. Digital pre-orders are available right now, but from what we’ve seen, PC players have no reason to pre-order this version of the game.

What do you think, will the PC version also come with great improvements or not? Let us know your opinions in the comments section down below!