Sleeping Dogs Movie Still Happening Says Donnie Yen

Video games are one of the most popular media on Earth. But more than that, they’re one of the most diverse media on Earth. There are numerous genres, playstyles, and stories that are told within these video games, and as such, other media have tried to adapt them…with mixed success. When it comes to movies especially, things tend to go wrong. But, there are some titles that could work very well as a movie, one of them is the Square Enix title Sleeping Dogs.

Sleeping Dogs was their attempt at making a unique open world shooter. The game is set in Hong Kong in the modern age, and features a young police officer tasked with infiltrating the infamous Triads organization to help bring them down from the inside. The mission gets more complicated though as he has to earn the respect of the Triads in order to gain evidence to take them down.

An adaptation of the film was announced last year, and legendary action star Donnie Yen was attached to star in the film. However, not much had been heard from it, until now.

Donnie Yen Sleeping Dogs

For on Yen’s official Instagram page, he posted a picture of him in action alongside a pic of the main character from Sleeping Dogs, stating:

“Sometimes great things take a bit of time. Sleeping Dog is motion, you guys ready for this?”

So, that seems to indicate that the movie is indeed still happening, and possibly filming right now, which could be a good thing. Given that the plotline for the game feels very Hollywood, this may be one video game adaptation that could work very well.

What’s more, Donnie Yen is known for his action sequences, and this plotline would definitely feature a lot of those.

No release date is attached to the movie, but it could release this year.

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