Did The Roadhog Nerf Hurt Overwatch More Than Help It?

Games like Overwatch are complicated, not just because they have a lot of moving parts, but because keeping those parts in line, and making sure they please the community is a constant (and sometimes stress-inducing) act. For example, one of the biggest complaints the game had for months was that the character known as Roadhog was too overpowered. He had an ability with his special hook that could KO a person in one shot. Plus, he was incredibly hard to kill. So, players begged for Blizzard to nerf him, and they did eventually.

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Case closed right? Well, not so much. According to many players on Battle.net, the nerfing of Roadhog was a bit too much, to the extent that using him now is pointless, so much so that anyone who plays Roadhog is berated by teammates (because they feel they’re throwing the match) and praised by opponents (because their picking Roadhog helped secure victory. Player cmndrkilljoy notes it quite accurately by saying:

“What makes me sad about this nerf is how angry it makes people on these forums and how much it is bleeding into competitive play.”

Now to be clear, they’re not saying to reverse the nerfing of Roadhog, but, they’re asking Blizzard to consider adding some of the power back to the character. Even if just a little. And it’s not just players revealing the downfall of Roadhog after the nerfing, the stats that are recorded for Overwatch state this too. Since his nerfing, his usage has plummeted.



To be fair, you could make the argument that a lot of people were using Roadhog because of his OP status in the game, but not all were that way. Some legitimately liked the character. Now? Not so much:

“Well they basically destroyed a character. It doesn’t feel the same playing him anymore,” noted AlexM95.

So what do you think? Does the fall of Roadhog mean all of this? Or are players overreacting? Let us know in the comments below!

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