RIFT Opens Another Public Test Server

Why have just one Public Test Server when you could have TWO of them. Does that sound crazy? Well, maybe just a little bit, but Trion Worlds opened another PTS for its Omega shard, and they have a good reason for it. This means that RIFT developers will be able to test the features that are planned for Prime. This PTS should be up sometime today, so be on the lookout!

But, there is a difference between this one and the first PTS, right? Yes, there is a difference, and Trion Worlds explained it in their official post:
“Omega” runs on a Prime config and will have a test build of unreleased Prime changes on it.
“PTS” runs on a Live config with access to all Live classes/levels/abilities.
We plan to set up boost NPCs on Omega to allow characters set level and gear (unlike Live’s PTS, you can’t copy a Prime character to Omega at this time)
The main purpose of Omega is to make soul balance changes visible on the Prime configuration before publish.
Basically, they want to make sure that their balance is in check on the Omega shard before it goes live, and this is a solid way of making sure that everything is as it should be. The upcoming build also already has its patch notes posted on their site, so go take a look if you’re interested in the upcoming changes.

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