Revelation Online Introduces Faery Agency

Revelation Online recently announced the Faery Agency which will bring a lot of fun aspects of the game. The Faery Agency is run by the kind Volopines of Nuanor that make Nuanor more enjoyable as they create many events in order to make the world a better place.

For the sake of our satisfaction, these Volopines will give us all the tools which consist mostly of treasure maps and tickets that we so desperately need. They will also be giving out entertaining tasks that are accompanied by minigames that can get the players a lot of rewards such as Curious Beads, Soul Crystals, Marks, cosmetics, and plenty of others.

Revelation Online

The addition of the Faery Agency will directly influence the lives of each and every person in Nuanor that’s willing to consume time and switch their daily routines a bit. By investing some valuable time in doing the chores and games that the Volopines give out, the players will easily gain trust from them as well as some valuable rewards. Some of those games are Curious Events, Fish Parties, Star Velvet Weddings, Lady of the Forest, and more.

These guys are in love with treasure hunting which means that before t even step up to the task, they have to be sure to prepare themselves for the treasure hunting trip that they eventually get handed to them. For the trip, the players will get a treasure map to help them find it and if they successfully do so, rewards are something for them to expect.

Besides all of the already mentioned factors that the agency is bringing, the players will most likely love the new amusement park called the Faerie Funland. The amusement park is humongous and is open bi-weekly to everyone that seeks some excitement. If you want to find out more about the agency, visit the official announcement on the Revelation Online website.

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