PUBG Decides To Remove Locked Loot Crates
In today’s surprising news, popular battle royale PUBG decided to finally listen to some player feedback and removed locked crates.

Well well well, this day just keeps surprising me. Who would have thought that PUBG Corp, the people that prioritized releasing all kinds of in-game cosmetics for players to purchase instead of fixing their incredibly buggy and badly optimized game would do such a 180? Yes, it seems like it’s possible since it happened. The locked loot crates are completely getting removed from this popular battle royale. Seems like the players weren’t fond of a prize box that needed a key to be opened. A key which you had to purchase with real money, not the one you earn in-game.
All of the upcoming loot crates that are coming will be unlocked from now on. The next one that’s being added is the VENETIAN CRATE. All of the crates purchased with BP also had some changes made to them. More skins appear in the lower tiers, the overall graphic look of crate skins got a boost, and the quality of the middle tier items got increased together with the chance of acquiring them. There is also a slight increase in the probability of getting a top tier item. Not by much though.

Itching for an intense and gritty multiplayer shooter? Well, why don’t you buy a PUBG PC game key on HRK Game for an affordable price?