Polish Is Coming To No Man’s Sky With The Synthesis Update
Even though the game got a lot of crazy free updates, the Synthesis update is bringing polish to No Man’s Sky.

No Man’s Sky is one of those games that went through a miracle period. It had a horrible release because of all the drama and lies that the devs caught themselves in. But, over time. the title evolved with continual support from Hello Games and became quite a gem in the rough. For anyone that likes exploration, sandbox, and space, No Man’s Sky is a perfect title for you. It even has multiplayer now, which is a bit wonky but it works for the most part.
But, this new update that they announced (scroll down to the end of the post to see) doesn’t bring any new exciting content. Instead of that. Hello Games want to make the existing content shinier. That’s the whole point of the Synthesis update, to polish up No Man’s Sky and bring many quality-of-life improvements to the table. Don’t worry, the devs are actively listening to the community. This update’s whole point is to fix and address some areas of the title which could use some work. I just love it when the developers have a healthy relationship with their players. So when the players want something changed or fixed, they get right on that. Don’t worry, “impactful future updates” are also being worked on. The Synthesis update is just something to tidy up the No Man’s Sky experience in the meantime. “Very soon” is when you can expect all this polish and improvements to land.

Want to give this space exploration/sandbox game a shot? You can buy a No Man’s Sky PC game key on HRK Game right now for a greatly discounted price!