Platinum Games Loses Bayonetta 2 Director
The video game industry is one that is in constant flux in regards to the people who help make it run. Every gaming company in the world gains and loses personnel on a regular basis depending on situations, finances, progress in a game, and more. Platinum Games is one that almost went under a while back, but is bouncing back in a big way with multiple titles on the horizon. However, they’ve just lost one of their key directors.
Yusuke Hashimoto was the director of many games at Platinum, including helping create Star Fox Zero and Bayonetta 2. On Twitter, he announced his leaving the company:
“This tweet will be a little more personal than usual. Yesterday, January 31st, was my last day at PlatinumGames. The memories I made during my 13 years at Platinum, working with dozens of talented individuals on Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2, and Star Fox Zero, are priceless to me. Let me take this opportunity to share my thanks with anyone who has worked with me, supported me, or played my games. I hope to take the experiences I gained at Platinum and use them on whatever I work on in the future. Thank you again.”

A huge loss indeed, especially since he had 13 years of experience. Many will likely wonder if his departure is one of the reasons that Bayonetta 3 has not been shown off in over a year (since it was announced at the 2017 The Game Awards). After all, there hasn’t been a director announced for the Switch-exclusive title as of yet. Though promises are being made that the game is still coming.
Speaking of the Switch, Nintendo and Platinum Games revealed a new exclusive title for the system called Astral Chain, and it’s coming out this year, proving that Platinum is still making other great games in the meantime.