Overwatch Game Director Discusses Hero Changes

A recent developer update from Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan discussed changes being made to heroes in the game.

Starting off, Kaplan outlined the changes that are being made to Mercy: “As a lot of you know, we’re experimenting with changes to Mercy. Our efforts are to tone down the effects of Resurrect, and to make Mercy more manageable while in Valkyrie.”

So far, Resurrect is serving as a second ultimate for the healer, which is something that the public test realm looks to alter. Kaplan continued to stress however the importance of Mercy in the roster, and they don’t want her to be nerfed too heavily: “If we tone her down too much, we will bring her back. We want her to be viable, we just need to tone down the impact of Resurrect. We do believe it’s a balanceable ability.”

Other characters being altered include Mei, Symmetra and Hanzo, which will be applied somewhere down the line. Hanzo in particular needs his Scatter Arrow fixing, which can potentially one-shot kill an opponent if hit correctly. Whether it means that it will be changed or taken out altogether remains to be seen. As for Mei, Kaplan is wary of what changes are to be applied: “Mei is a hero we need to be very careful with. She can feel very oppressive to play against if she’s too powerful.”

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