People Can Fly finally understood that Outriders had horrible Legendary drops so they improved the entire system to make it more rewarding.

Outriders is a peculiar game. A third-person looter-shooter that’s walking the line between generic and something special. The fact that 2 million people tried the demo adds to that fact. Not only that, Square Enix themselves have a lot of faith in this game. Even calling it their next major franchise.
Then again, the game does have issues. Bugs, hacking, exploits, there’s a lot of picks. But the most infuriating one for absolutely everyone has something to do with Legendaries. You see, Outriders players have to grind a lot for Legendary drops. However, there’s no guarantee you won’t get duplicates. There are even restrictions in the game that further limit Legendary drops making them incredibly rare treats. A bit too rare.
Thankfully, People Can Fly is ready to fix these glaring issues. In their post they explained how they’re improving this system:
Legendary Drop Rates, across the board, will be increased by 100%
Legendary Level Brackets will be removed, so that all Legendary items can drop at any level.
Legendary Anti-Duplication System will be implemented
Scripted Boss Loot (Chrysaloid, Yagak) will be able to drop all non-class specific Legendary Helmets
The Luck system will be improved
Basically, Legendary items will be able to drop at all levels. Characters that have an item in their inventory or stash will get a reroll if that exact same item is about to drop again. Late game runs won’t go on for long stretches of time without a Legendary drop.

Pick up your copy of Outriders for an outstanding price on HRK Game today!