Our First Look at Apex Legends: Emergence Gameplay
We finally get to look at some Apex Legends: Emergence gameplay with our own eyes to see the new map, gun, and the new Legend in action.

So World’s Edge is totally messed up. Once again Octane dies a bunch of times in this trailer. The new weapon, Rampage LMG can shoot down doors, so that’s getting nerfed almost immediately once Emergence goes live. We also see Seer in action, using all the abilities we talked about yesterday to their full extent.
We see a new Battle Pass skin for Valk, Bloodhound now shouts like a madman when reviving, and there’s a ton of lava everywhere. It all looks flashy, fast-paced as always, with tons of new opportunities to outplay the enemy team in this new (old) map. Check out the Apex Legends: Emergence gameplay down below:
Seer and Rampage are the stars of Emergence, and I’m sure both are getting nerfed swiftly after the event launches. Shooting down doors is too powerful of an ability, and Seer basically has 3 kinds of wallhack in his kit.
What do you think, did Respawn tweak these two enough? Or will Emergence arrive and mess up the game in all kinds of ways? Tell me what you think of this event in the comments section down below!

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