Even though a lot of people downloaded the Resident Evil 2 Remake demo, only 26% of them actually manage to finish it.

Have you played the Resident Evil 2 Remake demo? It’s quite a terrifying experience, and it actually did manage to scare us more than once. Does it disappoint, or is it the same horrifying experience as the original was? It’s too early to tell, but the game is quite scary, which could be the reason only 26% of the people that downloaded the demo actually finished it.
Thanks to a PC Gamer article we found out that the Resident Evil.net site shows the countries from which the people that have downloaded the demo come from. It also shows just how many of us actually managed to go through this demo.
Narrow corridors, an incredibly eerie atmosphere, and stunning audio design. Resident Evil 2 Remake has it all, and it’s definitely a horror shooter that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Maybe the demo was indeed too scary for some people, that’s why the completion rate is so low.
Who knows, but if you do want to try the game out, the demo is available until January 31st. Take the opportunity while it’s still there and give this title a shot. You’re going to love it if you’re into scary survival horrors.

The Resident Evil franchise is going in the right direction, as far as the games are concerned. It seems Capcom finally understood what their fans want from this horror shooter series, and now they’re giving it to them.