The Night City Wire event is coming in June to showcase some Cyberpunk 2077 information and hopefully new gameplay footage!

E3 2020 is canceled. Or so we think, but for now, developers are looking for ways to share exciting news about their upcoming games with their loyal fans. CD Projekt RED already came up with a plan. The Night City Wire event is going to show us some new and exciting Cyberpunk 2077 content, potentially some new gameplay. Since Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most anticipated releases of this decade, this is big news. Everyone is fiending for new information regarding the game. The hype surrounding it is as big as it can be.
I would even say that the hype is getting too intense. If you build something up into the heavens and it isn’t as perfect as you thought it would be, you’ll get disappointed. Don’t get me wrong, CD Projekt RED knows how to create incredible RPGs. They’ve proved that with The Witcher 3. However, Cyberpunk 2077 is being praised as the second coming of Jesus. I’m sure the game will be great, but maybe we’re expecting too much from it. Yet, it may also be one of the greatest RPGs ever. Anything is possible at this point. So, let’s all tune in to the Night City Wire event on June 11th and see what they have in store for us!

While we wait for Cyberpunk 2077, The Witcher 3 can keep us really busy, and it’s available on HRK Game for an outstanding price!
Cyberpunk will be a first person shooter, not a RPG. And yes, the hype it’s too big. My opinion it’s that the game will be a mediocre one, no more than a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10.
I’m pretty sure we’re getting at least a 9/10, and the game is officially called a “role-playing game” so