A surprise Portal 2 update arrives with a bunch of fixes and a change that’s going to release the limits of the game’s modding community.

Valve updates one of their best co-op titles
Portal 2 is ten years old now. Let that sink in. Do you feel old? Because I certainly feel too old right now. But, we can at least be sure we’re all going to die before Valve decides to develop a third game for any of its highly successful franchises.
Portal 2 is still one of the best co-op games you can find on the market. Funny, clever, and quite hard at times with the added possibility of trolling your partner in all kinds of ways. Everything you need for an exemplary co-op experience.
This Portal 2 update lets modders create without restriction
Fans of the game, especially modders, should rejoice. Valve decided to release a Portal 2 update that will greatly improve modding. A simple fix that just removes the file size limit for modded content. So, there’s no oppressive restriction for player-made content. You’re free to make a 5 GB mod now. I don’t even know if that’s possible but hey, there’s nothing stopping you now.
You can read the full patch notes below:
- Fixed custom maps with no lights disabling lighting for the rest of the play session
- Moved the 32-bit Linux binaries into linux32
- Fixed demo playback for workshop maps
- Misc. rendering and other optimizations
- Fixed Model Viewer and Face Poser not opening
- Removed the 100MB workshop level file size limit
- Fixed some text corruption related to UTF-8 conversion in some instances on Linux
- Added a +bench_demo [name] <stats output> command line parameter which will run a demo, and quit after it is finished.
- Added a -bench_settings [name] command line parameter to load a cfg/video_bench_{name}.txt file containing settings to load. There are a set of defaults provided, very_high_4k, very_high, high, medium, and low.
How many of you will run wild with the modding tools? Let me know in the comments section down below!

Pick up Portal 2 on HRK Game for an outstandingly low price today!