It’s been four years since Dragon Age: Inquisition was released, so now it may be the time for a brand new Dragon Age game!

Listen, we absolutely love the Dragon Age franchise. And by that we mean that we will forever be in love with Dragon Age: Origins, we will never admit that Dragon Age II happened, and we are still on the fence when it comes to Dragon Age: Inquisition. But, once we saw what happened to Mass Effect: Andromeda, a certain dread crept up our spine when thinking about the next Dragon Age game.

BioWare, what do you think? Do you have what it takes to bring the next Dragon Age game and make it good? Frankly, Dragon Age: Origins won’t ever be topped, there is just no way, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t get another grim and dark fantasy masterpiece. The problem is that BioWare is now pretty occupied with Anthem, their brand new IP. But, talk of the town is that new information on this franchise is coming in December, even though we aren’t sure when.

Some tweets back in September brought up the Dragon Age name, but nothing was said after that. We don’t know about you, but it is safe to say that we and many others are craving a new installment in this RPG franchise.