THQ Nordic and Rainbow Studios, has set itself the goal of resurrecting the MX vs ATV series, the result of which can finally be experienced starting next week. But, before that, it’s time to take a look at the newly released MX vs ATV All(most) Out Trailer.
“THQ Nordic and Rainbow Studios have fired the starting shot for all pre-order racers today. Everyone who has pre-ordered MX vs ATV All Out can start his career now!”
Although MX vs ATV All Out may not have the best graphics out there, it will surely be able to bring back the old vibes of the series, which is what everyone got to love in the first place. We do not have to wait too long for the arrival of MX vs ATV All Out, as it will be released on March 27, next week, on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
“In MX vs ATV All Out, players start out on their own, private compound where they earn valuable upgrades while honing their racing skills – upgrades include gear, parts, MX bikes, ATVs and UTVs!”
Be sure to check out the new trailer below, and pre-order your digital key in our online store.